Wickedness: Check Out How A Lady Poisons Her Husband To Death

A lady has confessed to killing her husband after she suspected him of cheating despite loving him from the bottom of her heart.

According to the lady who pleaded to be anonymous, she got married to her husband and everything was going on well, she only loved him and had no time to entertain any other man but her husband was cheating on her.

She disclosed that when she gathered enough evidence she came to the conclusion to kill her husband because she couldn’t handle his cheating nature anymore.

So she devised a plan and got some poisonous concoctions, mixed them up and smeared them on her breasts and also on her private part.

She continued that she also used some on her lips and other parts of her body she knew her husband loved to use his mouth whenever they were making love.

Fast forward, her husband used his mouth on all those parts and she watched her husband struggle to die in their bedroom adding that he didn’t deserve to be alive.

Tagging the doctors as incompetent, she mentioned that autopsy reports claimed he died of acute liver problems but she knows she killed him with the poison.

Read the full post below:

“I know you are protecting our identities – that is why I am feeling a little bit comfortable, opening up to ONLY you. I am pleading with you, if you still are not so sure of how safe the security of your Facebook account is, kindly copy my message into a Word document or folder, and DELETE my message – to protect me, should anyone try hacking your system. Thank you.

I am in my second marriage. And yes, I am cheating on my husband. I wasn’t always like this: I used to be faithful. I used to be content with only one man. I used to love and trust, from deep within. However, my first husband turned me into something I never knew I could be: A murderer! I killed him, Dave… I poisoned my first husband, and watched him die in our bedroom, painfully. I mixed a deadly, colorless, tasteless, odorless substance with my lotion, smeared it gently on my breast, rubbed it on my vagina, put some on my lips: I coated every part of my body I knew he enjoyed putting his mouth and tongue on, and watched him swallow every bit of his own saliva, mixed with the substance.

Dave, sometimes, a cheating, filthy, lying bastard, ought to die – for you to live. I deserved to live, Dave. I deserved to live. I’m glad our incompetent Ghanaian medical doctors could still not diagnose the true cause of his death after the autopsy. Everybody, including his family, all think he died from an acute liver problem. I am cheating on my current husband because I don’t want to lose another man in a marriage; so I would rather want to cheat on him too, as a form of closure – in order not to lose my mind. He started cheating on me when I was Seven (7) months pregnant. Smh! These foolish men eh: we give them everything, yet, they choose to fool around. I feel very sorry for this my current husband. I’m still timing him closely. His time will come.” Ghpage

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